HICKORY — United Way of Catawba County recently received a special mural
from the CVCC Foundation in partnership with local community initiative The
Art of Compassion and the CVCC Fine Arts Department.
The mural was the product of an artistic display at the CVCC Foundation
S.T.A.R.T. Gala, a night of entertainment and the celebration of the fine arts at
The Art of Compassion was a lead sponsor and supporter of the gala. Proceeds
went to support the fine arts programs at CVCC.
Jeff Kieffer, director of the visual arts program at CVCC, facilitated the design
of the mural. Kieffer created the artwork’s wooden frame, organized the
layout, and ensured that each piece of the “puzzle” lay in just the right place to
tell its story.
Gala attendees and CVCC students then took turns drawing and painting their
own original designs on the artwork during the event.
Mark Bumgarner, executive director of United Way Catawba County, was
appreciative of all parties who contributed to the mural. Bumgarner believes
that the mural serves as a representation of the many parts of the county.
“What’s so fitting is it’s a metaphor, a patchwork that creates this overall
image, which is how we see our community and the nonprofits in our
community,” Bumgarner said. “It speaks to the collective whole. We want
people to walk into our space and gain a greater sense of what United Way and
Catawba County truly are.”
The donation of the mural was made possible by the CVCC Foundation Inc.
and The Art of Compassion, an initiative supported by team members Robert
and Julie Lackey. The goal of The Art of Compassion is to inspire and promote
compassion, kindness, and love for others through education, arts, and
Jennifer Jones, executive director for the CVCC Foundation, said, “CVCC is a
proud sponsor and supporter of the mission of The Art of Compassion and has
held several student events on campus focused on kindness and unity. This
collaborative piece of artwork — created by those attending the recent
S.T.A.R.T Gala event — embodies the spirit of The Art of Compassion and is
inspired by the collaborative heart of our community. We chose to donate the
piece to our local United Way, as their commitment to serving with passion
and purpose perfectly aligns with the heart of The Art of Compassion.”
Robert and Julie Lackey were present for the May 15 unveiling. Robert Lackey
shared kind words about the work of United Way and the impact of CVCC,
stating that “both have certainly been exemplary and invaluable in helping our
mission to continue to move into their businesses and further into our
“We are honored to be working with them,” he said, “and are extremely
grateful for all they do. The S.T.A.R.T. Gala mural, which was presented to the
United Way in recognition of their ongoing work to spread compassion and
kindness, was yet another great idea to help connect education and art to the
many great service organizations in our community.”
The Art of Compassion, along with its nearly 50 community partner
organizations, hopes to establish more opportunities to give back and help this
area become known as the “kindest community in the nation.”
To learn more about The CVCC Foundation Inc., or to make a donation,
contact foundation@cvcc.edu. To learn more about The Art of Compassion movement, visit theartofcompassion.net. To learn more about United Way Catawba County, visit ccunitedway.com.