A Night of Kindness featuring Lauren Daigle at Crawdads
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Hickory Soup Kitchen

Acts of Kindness
Services Provided


The mission of the Hickory Soup Kitchen is to help relieve hunger in our community through a daily meal service, and Grocery program. We also partner by providing food to many other social service agencies and organizations throughout our county. HSK also provides an employment driven effort that helps individuals find work and helps with transportation when needed.

Get involved! You can contribute to Hickory Soup Kitchen in some of the following ways:

Non Perishable Items

Provide Food Packs
↪ containing: water, fruits, breads, canned food with pop-tops, crackers, peanut butter, and jelly
Provide meals and outreach services
↪ 7:00am until 1:00pm Mon-Fri, some weekends
Volunteer at HSK's Free Grocery Store
↪ open 8:30am-1230pm
Volunteer at HSK’s H.O.P.E. Center (Helping Opportunities for People & Employers)
Learn more about the involvement and services opportunities of 
Hickory Soup Kitchen