Services Provided
Job Assistance
Life Skills
Re-entry Services
Residential Services
Substance Abuse
Thrift Stores
Exodus Homes
Visit WebsiteMission
Exodus Homes provides faith based supportive housing for homeless recovering people returning to the community from treatment centers and prison with a comprehensive continuum of services including housing, food, clothing, transportation, recovery programs, access to all needed service, case management, vocational training, employment, and opportunities to grow spiritually in the faith tradition of their choice. Residents who decline faith based activities are offered other activities equally valuable to their recovery.
Get involved! You can contribute to Exodus Homes in some of the following ways:
Financial Contribution
- Operating expenses
- A gift to our endowment
- Exodus Homes Honor Cards during the Holidayshttps://www.exodushomes.org/honor-cards/
Non Perishable Items
- Non persihable food & tolietries products
Tangible Items
- Backpacks with tolietries for men w/socks & underwear (M,L,XL,2XL)
- Toiletriestoothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, deodorant, laundry detergent, dish detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry baskets, brooms, mops, things food stamps wont buy.
- Walmart Gift Cards
- Furniture and vehicles in good condition
- Hire Exodus Works for moving, landscaping and general labor
- Shop in the Exodus New Life Thrift Store640 4th St. SW, Hickory
- Donate food left over from large parties/meetings(THIS ONE IS NOT NON-PERISHABLE)
- Include us in your estate planning
Learn more about the involvement and services opportunities of
Exodus Homes