A Night of Kindness featuring Lauren Daigle at Crawdads
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VOICE: Volunteer Outreach in Community Efforts

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Acts of Kindness


Be a VOICE by sharing God’s Love with those who have become invisible. Through partnerships with other agencies we take referrals of clients. We provide assistance to people experiencing homelessness and veterans in need.


Resource Empowerment Awareness Change Hope

Get involved! You can contribute to VOICE: Volunteer Outreach in Community Efforts in some of the following ways:

Financial Contribution

  • Programs for Homeless

Host a Drive

  • New Shoe Drive

Tangible Items

  • New sneakers, work boots or slip resistant shoes (mens & womens)
    various sizes needed, see drop off locations


  • Help with one of our programs or projects
  • To be a donation site to collect new shoes
Learn more about the involvement and services opportunities of 
VOICE: Volunteer Outreach in Community Efforts